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Stahl-Anhänger - Poseidon Silber

Unverbindliche Preisempfehlung€58,95




📦 Skickas

316-L Chirurgenstahl

  • Rostfri
  • Vattenresistent 
  • Allergiesicher - Keine grünen Flecken! 

Ingår: Schmuckkästchen, Poliertuch, Kette, Anhänger und Kostenloser Versand ab 80 €

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Stahl-Anhänger - Poseidon Silber
Stahl-Anhänger - Poseidon Silber Unverbindliche Preisempfehlung€58,95


July 21, 2022 started an idea that today August 25, 2023 has become a reality.

After 400 days, our project becomes a reality!
Incredibly, in the same year that Gothenburg turns 400 years old!

We are proud to present
our most detailed, thoughtful and versatile design to date!


Poseidon is a mythical figure that has become more than a symbol of joy, celebration and mystery.

Sculpture has become a strong identity for us. The feeling when we see happy people passing by,  proudly wearing our Poseidon cap. Den är obeskrivlig.

Now we want to pay tribute to all of you who made this possible, with a version you can wear around your neck 24/7.

Many versions later

A fantastic experience, but the journey has been long. Sketches and ideas blurred and repainted. 3D models twisted, inverted and reshaped.

After over a year, we have the result.

Poseidon is said to rule over the sea and therefore its waves adorn the frame of the jewelry.

We have created several layers of surfaces to give a depth that emphasizes his stately figure.

Finally, a light radiates from Poseidon in a  golden formation.

The end result is a piece of jewelry that breathes quality and is imbued with detail in every element.

316-l surgical steel

Our necklaces are of the highest quality in 316L surgical steel.
Nickel safe and plated with  18 carat gold.

They do not cause allergies or discoloration.

Every time we pack our jewelry, we pack it in nice jewelry boxes.
So when you receive a shipment from us at Lyxery, it should feel like something special. Of course, we also make sure that the package will last during transportation.